(9a) May Earth be Revolving around the Sun?(9b) The Earth's Shadow |
Part of a high school course on astronomy, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight
by David P. Stern, Code 695, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
u5dps@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov or audavstern@erols.com
This lesson plan supplements: "Aristarchus: Is the Earth revolving around the Sun?," section #9a http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Sarist.htm
"From Stargazers to Starships" home page and index: |
Goals: The student will
Terms: (none new) Stories and extras: The entire section is a story, of how Aristarchus was (probably) led to his heliocentric theory.
Start the class by discussing what is a scientific discovery? Historians of science often argue about "who was first"--but what does it mean? The Greek philosopher Democritus argued that all matter consisted of "atoms", a Greek word meaning "undividable. " He pointed out that a collection of very small particles--e.g. sand or poppyseeds--can be poured like a continuous fluid, so maybe water, too, consists of many tiny "atoms" of water. Does this qualify as a prediction of the atomic theory of matter? In the early 1700s, the Irish writer Jonathan Swift wrote "Gulliver's Travels, " a satire of the politics and society of his times, in the form of voyages to distant fantastic countries (today we might have called it "science fiction.") In his third voyage he visits an island floating in the air which is ruled by an academy of scientists (a spoof on the "Royal Society", an association of Britain's top scientists which still exists). He reports that by using improved telescopes, members of the academy had discovered that two small moons orbiting Mars at a close range. A century and a half later, an astronomer discovered that Mars indeed had two such satellites, quite similar to what Swift had described. Does it mean that Swift had predicted those moons? By our standards, these are just lucky guesses. To qualify as a prediction, a claim needs not only to be stated, but also justified, it needs a logical reason. In this lesson we discuss a proposal by Aristarchus, around 270 BC, that the Earth went around the Sun, rather than vice versa. It took 1800 years before this claim was made again, and another century before it was generally accepted. However, this was not guesswork. Aristarchus, who also estimated the distance of the Moon, had a serious reason for his claim: the Sun, he showed, was much larger than the Earth, making it likely that the Sun, not Earth, was at the center. Let us go through his arguments. Give the material of section 9a of "Stargazers. Start by assuming that the shadow of the Earth had the same width as the Earth, and that the Earth had twice the width of the Moon. Later, if time and the level of the class allow it, the teacher may continue with a discussion of the actual shadow of the Earth, which is cone-shaped [Section 9b].)
Guiding questions and additional tidbits
-- Who was Aristarchus of Samos?
[The teacher may point out that dates BC seem to proceed in the opposite direction to what we are used to--e.g. born -310, died -230.]
-- What did Aristarchus establish about the Moon?
-- What was the revolutionary proposal Aristarchus made about the Sun?
That the Sun was much bigger than the Earth That the Earth went around the Sun, not vice versa
-- On what observation did Aristarchus base his claims about the Earth?
-- What is the Moon's relation to the Earth and Sun, when it is half-full?
-- What does the Sun-Earth-Moon angle (corner at Earth) at such times tell about the Sun's distance?
[Draw diagram of the triangle on the blackboard.] As it happened, the measurement made by Aristarchus was inaccurate. It is hard to tell when the Moon is exactly half full!. He believed the Sun-Earth-Moon angle was 87°, short of 90° by 3°. The Earth-Sun-Moon triangle then has a sharp corner of 3 degrees, and its proportions were such, that the Sun was about 20 times further than the Moon. -- If the Sun is 20 times more distant than the Moon, what does it say about the Sun's size?
-- What did Aristarchus believe about the relative size of the Earth, compared to the Moon and Sun?
-- How did Aristarchus view the Sun-Earth system?
(9b) The Earth's Shadow [optional]
One should start it by making clear that the Sun covers a 0.5° disk of the sky. If we select some point P on Earth and trace all the sun's rays that reach it from that disk, those rays form a narrow cone. That cone contains all the directions in which the Sun's rays arrive at the Earth's vicinity, and the full shadow of the Earth only extends over the region where all those directions are blocked by the Earth. It will only extend a certain distance behind Earth. At greater distances, the Earth will cover less than 0.5° of the sky and will appear smaller than the Sun. At those distance, one can never be in the full shadow of the Earth.
(9c) The Discovery of the Solar System |
Part of a high school course on astronomy, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight
by David P. Stern, Code 695, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
u5dps@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov or audavstern@erols.com
This lesson plan supplements: "The Discovery of the Solar System," section #9c http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Solsys.htm
"From Stargazers to Starships" home page and index: |
Goals: The student will
Terms: Heliocentric theory, retrograde motion, (Opposite: prograde motion), Ptolemy's theory. Stories and extras: The theories of Ptolemy and Copernicus are briefly described. Only part of Galileo's work are covered, primarily his pioneering observations through the telescope and a brief discussion of his persecution.
The teacher may start with a discussion: Last time we talked about the difference between a scientific prediction and a lucky guess. Today we continue and ask, what is a scientific theory? The ancient Greeks and Copernicus each had an explanation of sorts, for the way the planets appeared to be moving in the sky. But there was a big difference. On one hand, you had Ptolemy's theory: that is what it is called today, because it came to us through the works of Claudius Ptolemy, though it was actually Hipparchus who proposed it. Hipparchus assumed all celestial objects revolved around Earth. After all, for one such object--the Moon--that motion could actually be proved. In hindsight, it was just too bad that it was the only object that did so! Some of these planets seemed to go around the Sun, but others moved in strange ways, in "epicycles" around points which went around the Earth, the way the Sun was supposed to do. It was an attempt to predict where the planets would be but not to explain the motion. There was no scale we could put on the solar system--the theory gave no idea what the solar system really looked like. Copernicus, presented a logical picture of what the solar system looked like. The claim that all planets revolved around the Sun, and that the Earth was just one of those planets, a sphere that revolved around its axis, gave a way of predicting where the planets would be at any time. The idea that the Earth was not the center of the universe was opposed by many religious authorities. Copernicus therefore had to claim that he was proposing "a simpler way of predicting the positions of the planets, " not necessarily a different world-system. But actually it was much more than a prediction method. We like our physical theories to give us a logical picture, not just a mathematical solution. Among other things, such a picture allows us to understand intuitively the processes that are taking place. The teacher may or may not add the following thought:
That happened in quantum theory--the study of physics on the atomic scale, where space and time tend to be "grainy. " We can predict where an electron is likely to be observed, but cannot tell where it actually is. Physicists found such cases very unsettling, and some argued that an underlying reality of where the electron actually was remained a meaningful concept (some still do so). Einstein was among those, and said "I cannot believe that God is playing with dice. " Most physicists however (e.g. Richard Feynmann) believed that 'what we see is what we get' and that no "reality" existed beyond the probabilities which theory prescribes. --Then go over section #9c in "Stargazers". Review the material, using the questions below:
Guiding questions and additional tidbits (With suggested answers). --Who was Ptolemy?
--How did the Greeks view the motion of the inner planets, Venus and Mercury?
-- What made the motion of the outer planets: Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, hard to understand?
-- How did Ptolemy explain the motion of the outer planets? (Actually, the theory of Hipparchus)
-- Did this predict correct planetary motions?
-- Who was Nicolaus Copernicus, and what is his great contribution?
-- How did Copernicus explain the motion of Venus and Mercury?
-- How did Copernicus explain the "retrograde" (backward) motion of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn?
-- Did Copernicus convert others to his thinking?
-- Who was Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), and what was his main contribution?
-- What did Galileo discover with his telescope?
-- What got Galileo into trouble with the Catholic Church?
-- What was his punishment?
(10) Kepler and his Laws |
Part of a high school course on astronomy, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight
by David P. Stern, Code 695, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
u5dps@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov or audavstern@erols.com
This lesson plan supplements: "Kepler and his Laws," section #10 http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Skeplaws.htm
"From Stargazers to Starships" home page and index: |
Goals: The student will learn
Terms: Conic sections, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, astronomical unit (AU). Stories and extras: Story of Tycho and his supernova, some details about Kepler's life.
Start of the lesson: Today we continue the story of the discovery of the solar system. Copernicus, as was seen last time, gave the first logical explanation of the motion of planets in the sky--not just formulas describing those strange motions, but an idea of what the solar system looked like. Old habits are hard to break. Copernicus had assumed all planets moved at constant velocities along circles, centered on the Sun, because after all, wasn't the circle the perfect curve, and the Sun the center of it all? Kepler tried to test this, and luckily, he could use some very precise observations, made by Tycho Brahe--the most precise astronomical observations before the invention of the telescope. Assuming that the planets moved in circles as Copernicus had proposed, Kepler calculated their expected positions. They did not agree, and the expected positions differed from the observed ones. Kepler had to conclude that the world was not as perfect as Copernicus had suggested. The planets speeded up and slowed down. Their orbits were not exact circles, and the Sun was not at the center of their orbits. Searching for a more accurate representation, he deduced what we now call Kepler's laws. About 70 years later Newton showed that all 3 of these laws were a consequence of the laws of motion and of gravitation, which Newton himself was the first to formulate. That is how science makes progress: One, you don't guess what nature should be ("because it is perfect"), but observe what actually occurs. And two, you calculate. Kepler had a thorough command of the math needed to calculate planetary motion. Without that he could not have succeeded. The story of Kepler begins however with Tycho Brahe, an arrogant Danish nobleman who was also a talented astronomer. (Continue with the material given on the web.) " Guiding questions and additional tidbits (Suggested answers included) --Who was Tycho Brahe? and: What do you know about his nose? (Follow the link from the "Stargazers" section about him.)
--What occurred in 1572 that started Brahe's interest in astronomy?
--What was Brahe's main contribution to astronomy?
--What sort of telescope did Tycho use?
--Did Tycho believe the teachings of Copernicus--that the Sun was at the center of the solar system?
--Who was Johannes Kepler?
--Did Kepler believe the claims of Copernicus?
--What did Copernicus assume about the shapes of the orbits of planets, and the motion of the planets along them?
About the motions:He believed that each planet moved along its orbit with constant speed. The greater the distance from the Sun, the slower was the motion.
--How did Kepler test the theory of Copernicus?
--Did the theory of Copernicus predict the positions of the planets correctly?
--To explain the motion of the planets, what did Kepler assume in his first two laws about the shape of the orbits of planets, and the motion of the planets along them?
Motion: That the speed of a planet in its orbit depended on its distance from the Sun--the greater the distance from the Sun, the slower the motion. This relation could be expressed mathematically, and that expression was Kepler's second law. --We say the ellipse is "one of the conic sections." What does this mean?
--Is the circle a conic section?
--What kinds of conic sections do you know?
[Demonstrate with a flashlight]
--How do you cut a cone to produce an elliptic cross section?
[Those lines, also called "generators", are like the poles which hold up an Native American lodge or "teepee. The "lodgepole pine" was particularly favored by the Indians for this use; it is a type of pine growing in the western US with straight thin trunks.]
--How do you cut a cone to produce a parabolic cross section?
[Orbits of non-periodic comets, the ones that appear unexpectedly, are often very close to parabolas; their sides become closer and closer to parallel as the distance gets larger. They come from the very edges of the solar system. Their orbits may really be very long ellipses, too close to parabolas to be told apart. Periodic comets like Halley's, which moves in an elongated ellipse and returns every 75 years, presumably started that way, too, but were diverted by the pull of some planet, most likely by Jupiter, into elliptical orbits.]
--How to you cut a cone to produce a hyperbolic cross section?
[The sides of a hyperbola diverge at an angle: the graph y=12/x for instance is a hyperbola whose sides diverge at 90 degrees. An object approaching the Sun in a hyperbolic orbit is probably coming from outside the solar system, and will never come back.]
--In fitting the observed motion of the planets to the theory of Copernicus, as modified by his own two laws, Kepler also had to estimate the relative size of the orbits. Copernicus already knew that the further away from the Sun a planet was, the slower it moved. How did Kepler improve on this?
--What did Kepler's 3rd law say?
--If two planets have average distances (a1, a2), and orbital periods (T1, T2), can you use the 3rd law to give a formula connecting (a1, a2, T1 , T2)?
--If instead of "planets" we say "artificial satellites of the Earth" is the same statement still true?
--What if instead of "planets" we say "an artificial satellite and the Moon"?
--What came first: Kepler discovering his laws, or the "pilgrims" landing at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts?
(11a) Graphs and Ellipses |
Part of a high school course on astronomy, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight
by David P. Stern, Code 695, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
u5dps@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov or audavstern@erols.com
This lesson plan supplements: "Graphs and Ellipses," section #11a of http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Sellipse.htm
"From Stargazers to Starships" home page and index: |
Goals: The student will
Stories and extras: The focusing property of an ellipsoid, in particular the focusing of whispers in the old chamber of the US House of Representatives. Also the painting of that chamber by Samuel Morse, inventor of the telegraph.
Guiding questions and additional tidbits: Start this lesson by explaining that the most useful and most common use of cartesian coordinates is to create graphs. On the board: "A graph is a graphical representation of a mathematical relationship." It is the bridge connecting shapes of lines, as seen by our eyes, with mathematical relationships and formulas. Before getting into graphs (with which many of you here are already familiar, maybe all of you), let us first review what we know about Cartesian coordinates: Start the discussion of graphs by a review of coordinates Guiding questions and additional tidbits about cartesian coordinates, with answers and extensions. (All this material is discussed in section #5a.).
-- What are "systems of coordinates"?
-- What are the "cartesian coordinates" of a point on a flat plane?
-- Define the x and y coordinates of a point on a flat plane.
x is the distance measured parallel to the x axis. It is measured from the y axis--to the right it is positive, to the left, negative. y is the distance measured parallel to the y axis. It is measured from the x axis--up is positive, down is negative.
-- What are the coordinates of the origin O?
--Can systems other than the cartesian be used to label points on a plane?
-- Describe one such system, polar coordinates in the plane.
Graphs--the material of section (11a). [Note to the teacher: It is easier for the student to start with concrete examples than with abstract formulas, which need mental translation] A graph is a way of using coordinates to present visually the relationship between quantities. The relationship can be something observed--for instance, stock market prices (for example, as given by the "Dow Jones Index") against time, or the temperature of a patient in a hospital against time, etc. When either of these graphed quantities goes up or down, the graph will instantly show it, also telling how steep and how big the change is. You should be familiar with graphs, they are widely used (if the students use graphing calculators, bring that up). Graphs are even more useful for mathematically defined variations, and can be used to represent many kinds of shapes--including ellipses. Then present section (11a), using the questions below in the presentation and/or for review. -- What is a graph?
-- In a system of (x,y) coordinates, we connect all points where x is the time in years and y is the population of the United States. Is that a graph?
-- What is the graph of all points with y = -(2/3)x + 2?
[That is the example in the lesson. Draw the line on the blackboard, but don't label the axes, only the origin. Then as answers come in (below) label also the intersections with the axes with their values of y and x]. -- How does one use such a formula to get its graph?
The collection of all such pairs describes a line, which turns out to be straight.
--Where does that graph cross the y-axis?
-- Where does the graph cross the x-axis?
Add (2/3)x to both sides: 2 = (2/3)x Divide by 2: 1 = (1/3)x Multiply by 3: x=3.
-- Are all lines defined in this manner straight?
They are not with other relations, e.g. y = 3x2 which is a parabola, or y = 3/x which is a hyperbola [also, if you replace "3" by any other number, positive or negative]
--[Riddle] Say in y = ax + b you choose a=0, b=2, giving y = 2. Is this a straight line?
[One may add a comment on the word "linear" in mathematics. The equation of a graph giving straight line may also be written
"ax + by = c", and mathematicians call this a "linear" expression. -- What is the graph y = 4x2 ?
[The example below is given for illustration. It should not be on any test, and is optional material]. -- What is the graph y = 12/x ?
Point out that at x = 0, y is not defined--it is + infinity if we approach from the right, - infinity if we come from the left, in either case the point cannot be drawn.
Ellipses [The next question is best left for the teacher to answer]
--Does the equation of a line always have the form y = f(x) , where f(x) is "some expression involving x"?
The "expression involving x" is called "a function of x" which is why the shorthand for it is f(x). However, any equation connecting x and y can be used. In such cases, if we choose x, we may need some extra work to get y. [The next example shows one of them.] Draw a circle on the board, mark its center with O, put a system of Cartesian axes through the center, select a point P on the circle, draw its radius R and its projection A on the x axis. Mark AP as y, OA as x. --What is the relation between x and y on this circle, for radius R=5?
--Why do the values of x and y for any point P on the circle obey this relation?
--At what x does the circle cut the x-axis?
--At what y does the circle cut the y axis?
--What is the graph whose equation is x2/25 + y2/25 = 1?
--What about the graph is x2/64 + y2/16 = 1?
[Optional: Where does it cut the axes?
--What do we mean by the "major and minor axes" of an ellipse?
--How long are these axes here?
--How did the Greeks define the ellipse, 1800 years or so before Descartes introduced his axes?
--How are these special points called?
--Why are the foci of an ellipse of interest here?
[Tell story of old chamber of the House of Representatives in the US Capitol. First however ask the class if anyone had been to the capitol, and ask those who have, if they remember something special about the big room where statues were collected. Let a student tell it, later, if necessary, fill in more details.] |
(11b) Ellipses and Kepler's First Law |
Part of a high school course on astronomy, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight
by David P. Stern, Code 695, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
u5dps@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov or audavstern@erols.com
This lesson plan supplements: "Ellipses & Kepler's 1st Law," section #11b http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Skepl1st.htm
"From Stargazers to Starships" home page and index: |
Goals: The student will
Terms: Focus (of ellipse), eccentricity, semi-major axis, orbital elements, mean anomaly (qualitatively only), center of gravity. Stories and extras: Method used in the search for other planetary systems, and the recently discovered planetsary system of Upsilon Andromeda.
Guiding questions and additional tidbits (Suggested answers in parentheses, brackets for comments by the teacher or "optional") Start the lesson by reviewing polar coordinates. Then point out that in cartesian coordinates (preceding lesson) the ellipse is symmetric--around the axes and around their crossing point. The motion of a planet of a satellite in an elliptic orbit is not symmetric--the center of motion, the focus, is shifted towards one end, and the planet's distance from it goes up and down each orbit, like a wave. It suggests that cartesian coordinates are not the most suitable for handling orbits--and that, in fact, turns out to be the case. Polar coordinates, centered on the focus of the ellipse, are more suitable. As will be seen, the wave-like dependence of the distance is then clearly seen as a result of the wave-like variation of the cosine of the polar angle. Then present section 11b of "Stargazers," up to "Refining the First Law". Discuss the material, guided by the questions below, and conclude with "Refining the First Law" and its questions, as listed further below.
[Optional section, for students familar with trigonometry]
-- If a cartesian system (x,y) has the same origin as a polar system, and the reference line from which f is measured in the polar system is the x axis--given (r,f) of a point, what are its (x,y)?
-- Given (x,y), what relation will give r? [Optional: and what function of f can you express?]
[tan f = y/x] [Note in this section we denoted the polar angle by f, not by f, because that is the notation used in the study of orbits. We will use capital F(f) for "a function of f" that is, "some expression involving f". ] -- How can you express the equation of a line in polar coordinates?
[More generally, any expression F(r,f) involving (r,f)) can be used, for example in the form F(r,f) = a, where a is some number or zero. The important thing is that at least over some range, each f has some corresponding value of r--sometimes, more than one value.
For instance,the line
3 r sin(f) - 2 r cos(f) = 10
What sort of line is it? Don't panic! It is just a straight line, as you easily see once you convert it to cartesian coordinates, using the relations developed earlier for the (r,f) notation.
-- What is F(f) in the equation of a circle?
[This is similar to the straight line y = 3. On that line, the value of y is the same for any x, and therefore the value of x does not have to appear.]
-- The equation of an ellipse is r = a(1-e2)/(1 + e cos f). What is e here?
-- For what value of f is r smallest, and for what value is it biggest?
--Using the identity (1-e2) = (e-1)(e+1), this may also be written r = a(e-1)(e+1)/(1 + e cos f)
[The class should know this identity, or else, it may be proven on the board.] A student or the teacher derive these on the board: biggest a(1+e), smallest a(1-e).
[Optional: Draw on the board an ellipse, around its focus, and on it, show the biggest and smallest r.
-- What then is the total width of the ellipse along its major axis?
-- In an orbit following Kepler's laws, what is meant by "the orbital elements"?
-- Which orbital elements do you know so far?
-- A circle is also an ellipse. What can you say about its (a,e)?
--Which of these elements appear in Kepler's 3rd law?
--How many orbital elements define the motion of a satellite or planet, and what do you know about them?
[We can extend the equation of an ellipse to e = 1 or even e > 1, but must be careful. Suppose we draw a series of ellipses, of increasing e, all with the same minimum distance a(1-e). Then as e approaches 1, the semimajor axist grows to be larger and larger. With e=1, we have something infinite (a) multiplying something that is zero (1-e). We thus need to rewrite the equation in the form r = p/(1 + e cosf) With e = 1 this gives a parabola, with e>1, a hyperbola.] --Kepler claimed that planets orbited the center of the Sun. In a "double star" where two stars of comparable size are bound together by gravity, which of them serves as a center?
-- How do astronomers search for planets around other stars?
Therefore, if astronomers see a slight wobble in the position of a distant star, they may deduce from it the existence and motion of its planets.
(12) Kepler's Second Law |
Part of a high school course on astronomy, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight
by David P. Stern, Code 695, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
u5dps@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov or audavstern@erols.com
This lesson plan supplements: "Kepler's Second Law," section #12 http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Skepl2nd.htm
"From Stargazers to Starships" home page and index: |
Goals: The student will
Note: At this stage, knowing that M exists is the most the student can do. An optional section (12a) "How Orbits are Calculated" goes further into the subject, but is not covered in these lesson plans. It introduces the student to the idea of successive approximationa for solving a difficult equation--here, "Kepler's Equation" which relates M and E. It also describes what the other orbital elements are. Terms: Perigee, apogee, perihelion, aphelion, radius vector; Energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, conservation of energy, escape velocity, [true anomaly, mean anomaly, eccentric anomaly] Stories and extras: Thomas Jefferson's clock in Monticello, driven by suspended cannonballs.
Guiding questions and additional tidbits With suggested answers, brackets for comments by the teacher or "optional")
"Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them." What follows below follows the first part of Fermi's advice.] As we will see, the meaning of Kepler's 2nd law is "planets speed up when closer to the Sun, slow down when further away." We already know another motion which does exactly that: a roller coaster speeds up in the "valleys," slows down on the "hilltops." The two motions are related: both involve gravity. As we will see, both also involve something known as energy. That energy comes in two forms--energy of speed, or kinetic energy, and energy of position, or potential energy, higher at the hilltops and higher at apogee. The sum of the two is kept constant--which is why, as the roller-coaster carriages rush down the steep slope or the satellite approaches Earth, both gain speed, losing it again as they pull away. Let us go into the details. (Here give the material of section (12), except for the optional part about the true and mean anomaly, which (if included) is given separately. The questions below can be used in the lesson and/or in the review afterwards.
--Kepler's 2nd law is sometimes stated "The radius vector sweeps equal areas in equal times" What is the "radius vector" of a planet?
--What does Kepler's 2nd law imply, about the way orbital velocity of a planet varies with distance?
--Does Kepler's 2nd law also hold for artificial satellites, orbiting Earth?
[What follows next is a calculation: you may let one of the better students "help you with it" at the board, illustrating the problem with a drawing as you describe it. The rest of the class should copy.] --An artificial satellite moves in an elongated orbit with perigee r1= 2 Earth radii (2 RE) and apogee 10 times more distant, at r2= 20 RE. Show that the same ratio also holds for velocities at those points--that at apogee the satellite moves 10 times slower.
A similar triangle at apogee (draw) has area ...? (1/2) r2D2 (shades of "Star Wars"!) Therefore...? By the second law, r1 D1 = r2D2. But the velocity is defined as the distance covered in one second, so in place of (D1,D2) we may just as well write (v1,v2), the velocities at both these points. So... r1v1 = r2v2 Divide both sides by r1v2 to get v1/v2 = r2/r1 . The second ratio is 10, so the first ratio must be 10 too: the velocity near Earth is 10 times larger.
--Is the velocity also inversely proportional to distance at other points of the orbit?
--How is this similar to what happens to a stone thrown upwards?
--What is energy?
--Can you give examples of types of energy?
--What is the law of conservation of energy?
[This part is best handled by the teacher without much elaboration. Energy will come up again in section 15 and will be discussed there in a more complete fashion. Here students are told what the energy of a moving satellite is, but remembering the formula may be optional].
--What types of energy are involved in the throwing of a stone?
--What is kinetic energy?
--What does it depend on?
--What is potential energy?
--If a stone of mass m is lifted to a height h meters, how much is added to its potential energy?
--And what does conservation of energy say?
As one part grows, the other decreases to keep the sum the same.
--How does a playground swing demonstrate conservation of energy?
--How about the pendulum of a grandfather clock?
--Does it matter where we choose h=0 to be, the reference point to measure h from?
[Note: the energy equation of an orbiting body may be too much to memorize, so in the question below, the student is given the formula and is only asked to explain its meaning.]
--The corresponding equation for the motion of planets or satellites is
Where k = gRE2. It has a different expression for the potential energy. With a stone, the higher we lift it, the greater is its potential energy: is this also true here? (Yes, though the fact the potential energy is negative may be confusing. The higher the satellite goes, the larger r and the less negative the potential energy is, which means it grows: at infinity it is zero, a number larger than any negative value. This again illustrates that the value of the potential energy EP depends on the reference level at which we choose EP = 0. Any reference level is OK: what matters are differences in potential energy, which dictate the gain or loss of kinetic energy EK.
--What is "escape velocity"?
(Note however, we are talking about motion relative to the Earth alone. In practice, such an object would still be in orbit around the Sun. To also escape the Sun's gravity would take considerably more energy!)
--How can the above equation give you the escape velocity V from the surface of the Earth, r = RE?
The energy of an object with velocity V, at the surface of the Earth, is E = 1/2 mV2 - k m/RE When the object is far enough from Earth to be considered "escaped", its distance r is so big that its potential energy k m/r is virtually zero. Also, it has used up all its kinetic energy to get so far, hence v=0 too. This suggests that for such a motion E=0. Then
1/2 mV2 - k m/RE = 0 If we calculate in meters and seconds, take g = 10, RE = 6 371 315 meters... quick, the calculator!
--What is the "true anomaly" of an orbiting satellite or planet?
--How does one predicts the value of f at some given time?
Transformations exist from M to an intermediate angle E ("Eccentric anomaly") and from E to f. [For students familiar with trigonometry, or those who have gone over sect. 11a] --If we calculate f of an artificial satellite for some time, can we tell where its position will be?
But we still need to know how the orbital plane is oriented in 3-D space, which requires 3 more inputs: (1) the inclination of that plane to the equator (2) in which direction on that plane does apogee point. (3) The orbital plane can still be rotated around the Earth's axis without changing its inclination. Imagine a slanted board on a record turn-table; one more angle is needed to give the amount of rotation of that turntable.
(13) The Way Things Fall
An introduction to the concept of acceleration and to motion under the influence of gravity, starting with free fall and ending with motions that start out with both horizontal and vertical initial velocities. |
Part of a high school course on astronomy, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight
by David P. Stern, Code 695, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
u5dps@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov or audavstern@erols.com
This lesson plan supplements: "The Way Things Fall" section #13 http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Sfall.htm
"From Stargazers to Starships" home page and index: |
Goals: The student will learn that
Terms: Acceleration, velocity (also initial, final and mean velocity), speed (=magnitude of velocity), "g" the acceleration due to gravity. Stories and extras: Legend of Galileo dropping balls from Tower of Pisa (also of his timing the swing of a chandelier). "Road runner" cartoon, demonstration of feather falling on the airless Moon. Hands on: Possibly, Galileo's experiment with the inclined plane Starting out:
Use Galileo as starting point. We remember Galileo for several things:
The legend is that as a boy, sitting in church with his family, Galileo became bored and to pass the time, he observed a swaying chandelier. Using his own pulse to time the swings, he discovered that they always took the same length of time, whether they were big or small. He certainly studied the fall of objects. Philosophers had argued that a heavy object fell faster. According to another legend, he climbed the leaning tower in the town of Pisa--a bell tower whose foundation settled soon after it was built, causing it to lean--and from the top dropped heavy and light balls. A helper on the ground observed that they arrived together. Galileo learned to be careful in his experiments. It was known that thunder arrived some time after the lightning was seen.Firing a gun and timing the interval between the flash and the sound allowed the speed of sound to be measured. But did light travel instantly? (Teacher may ask class--how would you find out?). Galileo posted himself and a helper at night, a good distance apart, each with a lantern covered with a screen. Earlier, the helper was told--when you see the light, lift your screen. Galileo then lifted the screen and looked how long was the delay until he saw the return flash. The light, during that time, had to travel back and forth between him and his helper. (Teacher may ask class--do you see any problem with this experiment?) There was a delay, but Galileo realized it might just be the reaction time of the helper. He therefore repeated the experiment with the helper at a much greater distance. The delay was the same--and Galileo concluded that the velocity of light was too big to be measured this way. Now back to falling objects. Galileo showed light and heavy ones fell together: he did not ask why; that question was later taken up by Newton. [Sometimes people argue the reason is clear--take the big stone, divide it into 10 little stones. When those stones were together they fell the way the big stone fell, so when they are apart, shouldn't they fall at the same speed? Answer: in air, yes, in water, no.]
The thing we note about falling objects is their velocity: it starts slow and gets faster and faster.
Guiding questions and additional tidbits
-- What is the velocity of a moving object?
-- What is speed?
[Using "velocity" at this stage justifies the use of "v" and also of using "+" or "-" signs.]
-- If an object covers distance S meters in time t seconds--what is its velocity [or speed] v?
-- If an object covers distance S miles in time of t hours, what is its velocity?
-- A biker pedals at 10 mph. What is the biker's speed in meters/sec?
16090 meters in 3600 seconds, S/t = 4.47 m/s
--What do you know about the speed of a freely falling object? It constantly increases, at a steady rate.
-- What is the acceleration of an object?
-- Can acceleration be negative?
[More generally, acceleration like velocity can have any direction, but for now we do not go that far.] -- What can you say about the acceleration of a freely falling object?
-- How fast does a falling object move after t seconds?
-- How much is that in miles per hour? First, the conversion factor needs to be derived. Using a previous answer,
10/4,47 = 2.237 mph = 1 m/s. So v = (9.81* 2.237) t mph = 21.95 t mph. After 3 seconds, more than 60 mph!
-- How is this modified if we throw the object downwards, and start it not from rest but with an initial velocity u?
-- What if we throw it upwards?
-- After how long does it reach greatest height?
--How do we calculate the distance covered?
-- What do we take as mean velocity?
[Note that we have only guessed that with this definition, vmean*t=S. We have not proved it. Actually, this only works if the acceleration is constant. If the acceleration changes as time goes on, using this mean velocity in vmean*t usually does not give the right S. ]
--What then is the distance S?
-- We throw a stone upwards with velocity u'. How high does it get?
S = ut + (1/2)gt2 = -u'(u'/g) + (1/2)g(u'/g)2 = -(1/2)(u')2/g. The minus sign means, it is in the direction we chose as negative, above the starting point.
-- What is the distance with constant acceleration a?
-- If a ball rolls down an inclined slope, because of its weight, does it accelerate? Yes. If we neglect friction, the acceleration a is constant.
-- How did Galileo confirm the constant acceleration of a ball rolling down a slope?
-- When we throw a stone horizontally with a velocity w, how does it move?
If we plot the motion in (x,y), with x growing horizontally and y growing downwards, then
-- When "Road Runner" runs over the edge of a cliff, how does he move?
-- When we fire a rifle towards a target at a rifle range, how does the bullet move?
-- When we fire a rifle towards a target in a rifle range, what do we do to score a bull's-eye?
-- When shooting arrows using a bow, how do we aim for the target?
Optional: Artillery. A cannon gives the shell both an upward velocity u' and a horizontal one w. Three kinds of cannon exist:
(2) Howitzers, which are aimed around 45 degrees up, at which angle they get the greatest range. For the same range, therefore, they need less velocity, and one can use a lighter cannon. But to aim it, a forward observer is needed--presumably, linked by radio, telling the gun crew how to correct its aim. (3) Mortars, firing at a steep angle, e.g. 60 degrees. That way the ground absorbs the recoil, allowing a light, portable gun (the smaller kinds can even be carried by hand), still firing a fairly heavy shell. However, it will not shoot very far--nor will it be very accurate, because the slow shell with a high path spends a long time in the air and is easily deflected by wind.
(14) VectorsThe second half of this lesson requires easy trigonometry, specifically, the use of sine and cosine functions. |
Part of a high school course on astronomy, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight
by David P. Stern, Code 695, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
u5dps@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov or audavstern@erols.com
This lesson plan supplements: "Vectors," section #14 http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Svector.htm
"From Stargazers to Starships" home page: ....stargaze/Sintro.htm |
We fly an airplane and meanwhile the wind pushes it sideways--how are we progressing relative to the ground? Vectors help answer that. Similarly, forces, accelerations, magnetc fields from several sources, all are added like vectors. Engineers who put up a bridge or a building and want to make sure all forces balance, etc., need vectors.
Enough talking about them--any examples?
The displacement from New York to Chicago is this arrow. It may look like a strange way of adding--but that is also how you add velocities, and forces, and magnetic fields. (now to the lesson)
Guiding questions and additional tidbits with suggested answers. --What is the graphical method of adding two vectors?
--Does it make any difference which of the two is added first and which second?
-- Why? Show on the board.
The sum then is the diagonal of the parallelogram.
-- When do vectors add like numbers? When they all are along the same line. The questions below are just quickies: the teacher can add more serious ones. -- Your ship can make 10 miles per hour but the river flows at 5 mph. What is your speed relative to the shore going (a) upstream (b) downstream?
--You run at 5 mph on a treadmill but get nowhere. Why? Because the tread is moving in the opposite direction at 5 mph. The total velocity is therefore zero.
-- Your airplane flies north at 120 mph, while a wind blows from the west at 50 mph. What is your "ground speed" V, relative to the land below?
Call the angle x: tan x = 5/12 = 0.41667 using the "tan-1" button on the calculator, x = 22.62 deg. Or if you prefer: sin x = 5/13 = 0.384615, using "sin-1" , same result. "
--Suppose you are given a vector in the plane (on a sheet of paper, on the map, etc.) What does it mean to resolve it into its components"?
--Why would we want to do that--say, to find the ground speed of an airplane, in an actual situation?
Rather than deal with those angles, it is easier to resolve each into a north-south and an east-west component, add up the components in each direction (like numbers) and then form the sum again.
--An airplane flies at 120 mph in a direction 17.13° westward of north (towards the north-west). The wind blows at 50 mph towards the south-east, 45° off the due-east direction. In what direction does the airplane move, and how fast?
Vx=-120 sin 17.13°= -35.36 Vy=120 cos 17.32° = 114.68
The x-components cancel, the total y-component is When a ball is thrown, or a shell is fired, its motion is also the superposition of two motions, as was discussed in "How Things Fall". --Let us turn the customary (x,y) axes clockwise by 90°, so that down is the x direction, and perpendicular to it, to the right, is the y direction. (Draw on the board). That means, downward x velocities are positive and an initial x-velocity u is negative if directed upwards.
We can calculate the velocity of each motion: Vx = u + gt Vy = w Together they give the velocity vector V. The displacement vector S similarly has components: Sx = ut + (1/2)gt2 Sy = wt --We fire a gun at 1000 m/sec upward at 45° to the ground. How far will the shell travel before hitting the ground (neglecting air resistance--actual values will be smaller). Take g = 10 m/s2.
u = -1000*sin 45° = - 707 m/s At impact, Sx = 0, so ut + (1/2)gt2 = 0 One solution is t=0--it holds no interest, just tells us we started from ground level. Divide by t (it is not zero, so we may divide by it)
-u = (1/2)gt t = -2u/g = 141.4 sec
Air resistance may cut it down to less than half. --Pyramid builders drag a block of stone weighing 1 ton (1000 kg) up a ramp with a 5° slope. Neglecting friction (the block moves on smooth rollers), what is the force they pull against?
(15) EnergyThis topic stresses mechanical energy, potential and kinetic, and also describes conversion between types of energy (while conserving the total amount), units, and the special position of heat. |
Part of a high school course on astronomy, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight
by David P. Stern, Code 695, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
u5dps@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov or audavstern@erols.com
This lesson plan supplements: "Energy," section #15 http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Senergy.htm
"From Stargazers to Starships" home page: ....stargaze/Sintro.htm |
Goals: The student will learn about
Terms: Energy (potential, kinetic, conservation of), pendulum, joule, calorie, second law of thermodynamics. (kilojoule, kilocalories) Stories and extras: The energy content of a candy bar.
Starting the lesson: Today we will study energy,so we might just as well start by asking--"What is energy?"
If someone gives the formal definition "ability to do work" ask: We could redefine it as "overcoming resistance over a distance"--for instance, lifting a brick (against gravity) from the floor to the table, or dragging it along the floor (against friction), and then work equals resistance times distance. Any of these could also be done by a machine, so for a start we will simply say "energy is anything that can run a machine."
--Light--that was what the electricity in the lightbulb was converted to --Sound--that was what the electricity in the radio was converted to --Chemical energy--when you ate breakfast, it gave you strength. --Heat--if you cooked your food, or heated the house. --Nuclear energy--if you enjoyed sunlight, because the Sun gets its energy by combining atomic nuclei of hydrogen to helium, deep inside it.
That energy becomes heat, and heat causes light to come out.
And you know you can trade one kind against the other: rolling down a hill, you lose height as you gain speed, and that speed helps you get up the next hill (the same in a roller coaster).
Guiding questions and additional tidbits with suggested answers.
-- When an object falls down from a height h meters, what is the relation between h and its final velocity v, in meters per second?
--What is interesting about this relation?
[The teacher may note that while the final speed is the same, the time taken to reach bottom isn't.
-- Is something kept constant in this motion?
-- Is this the energy? (No) Why?
E = mgh + (1/2)mv2
We have not yet defined mass; for the time it is understood to be "the amount of matter in motion," which we can measure by weighing. A note about units. In any calculation in physics, we must always pay close attention to the units we use. If inappropriate units are used, mistakes easily creep in, fulfilling "Murphy's law"--if anything can go wrong, it will. In all our calculations involving Newtonian mechanics (unless explicitely stated otherwise) the so-called MKS units are used--distances in Meters, masses in Kilograms, time in Seconds, and all derived units based on these three. In those units g = 9.81 and energy comes out in joules. Whenever other units are given, be sure to convert them to MKS!
--How does a pendulum or a swing demonstrate the conservation of total energy?
--How does a roller-coaster demonstrate it?
--What is work W? How much work is performed in lifting a mass m by a height h?
W = mgh
--If m is in kilograms, h in meters, g = 9.81 meter/sec2, in what units is W, as given by the above formula?
--You have climbed to the second floor, raising yourself by 9 feet, (1 ft=30.5 cm = 0.305 meter). You weigh 150 pounds (1 pound = 0.454 kg). How much work did you perform? h = 9*0.305 = 2.745 meters, m = 150*0.454 = 68.1 kg. If g = 9.81 m/s2, then W = mgh = 1833.8 joule --Into what form of energy did this work go?
--From what form of energy did it come?
Suppose you have eaten one square of chocolate weighing 4 grams (1/8 of a bar weighing one ounce). The chocolate contains 2 grams cocoa fat, providing 9 calories per gram (typical for fats), and 2 grams sugar, a carbohydrate with 4 calories per gram, for a total of 18 + 8 = 26 calories. These are "kilocalories" of 4180 joule each, so that piece of chocolate has given you the equivalent of 108,680 joules. If your body can convert it to muscle power with an efficiency of 10% = 0.1, you get 10,868 joules of usable work from that piece of candy, enough to climb 10,868/1833.8 or about 6 floors.
--You jump down from the height of one floor. With what speed v do you hit the ground?
In miles-per hour (1 mile = 1609 meters). v = 7.3387*3600 = 26,419 meters/hour = 16.4 miles/hour.
--Even a hospital patient lying in bed all day needs to eat. Why?
On the table of energy conversions, which form is converted into which: -- In an electric fan?
--In an elevator winch?
--Can we convert it back when the elevator descends?
--In a light emitting diode?
--Why did we say "light emitting diode" and not "electric lightbulb"?
--In a car battery?
-- Can it be converted back to chemical energy?
-- In a rocket nozzle?
Heat to kinetic energy. We will later see that the converging-diverging design of the nozzle is very efficient in it.
--In quicklime? What happens there?
For use in mortar, builders slake the quicklime with water. It heats up, returning its chemical energy to heat.
-- How do spacecraft get their electric energy?
Around the outer planets, sunlight is too dim to provide enough energy in this way. Spacecraft that fly there, e.g. Voyagers 1-2 and Pioneers 10-11, use radioactive sources which generate heat, and thermocouples convert it to electricity. The Russians experimented with small nuclear reactors on spacecraft. One crashed into a lake in Canada, contaminating it with radioactivity and creating great resentment; no such reactors are flown any more.
-- What is power? What are its units?
-- Your electric bill charges you a certain price per kilowatt-hour (kwh). What do kilowatt-hours measure?
-- Why do we often say "energy is lost as heat"?
--What does the second law of thermodynamics say?
[Optional: The fraction of heat energy which can be converted to other forms depends on the temperature at which the heat is provided.
(16) Newton and his Laws |
Part of a high school course on astronomy, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight
by David P. Stern, Code 695, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
u5dps@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov or audavstern@erols.com
This lesson plan supplements: "Newton and his Laws," section #10 http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Snewton.htm
"From Stargazers to Starships" home page: ....stargaze/Sintro.htm |
Terms: Force, mass Stories and extras: Why a bicycle cannot be balanced unless it moves and why a boat slides back when one jumps from it. Starting the lesson: The story of astronomy and space, as we follow it, is essentially a story of discovery. In the 1600s, the picture of our world seemed to come together. The world had a regularity and certain laws: Copernicus made sense of the motion of the Earth and planets, Kepler made it possible to predict such motions, Galileo found a regularity in the falling of objects.
But that seemed just a beginning. Every observation, every solved problem, seemed to bring up new questions:
Newton, born in 1642, guessed that there existed some basic laws which governed these and other motions. If we understood those laws, we could explain everything. He was right, and he discovered those laws, too--they are now known as Newton's three laws of motion. It is easy enough to state them, to learn what they say, but that is not enough. To use them properly, one must understand their meaning and become familiar with them through examples. Today we begin the process, and we will proceed quite carefully.
Guiding questions and additional tidbits (Suggested answers, brackets for comments by the teacher or "optional")
-- Who was Isaac Newton? What were his three main contributions to science?
[He also: built the first telescope based on concave mirrors, discovered "Newton's rings" which were a clue to the wave nature of light, proved the "binomial theorem", introduced "Newton's approximation" in solving equations, studied the flow of heat, and much more.] [Possible project: have a student prepare 5-minutes presentations on Newton, based on web sites, encyclopaedia entries and other material.]
--What concepts did Newton introduce to the study of motions?
(2) Mass, the amount of matter, which resisted motion. True, weight also increased with mass: a big stone was pulled down with a greater force than a small one. But it fell no faster, because it also resisted motion more than a small stone.
-- What did Newton say about the role of forces in producing velocity and acceleration?
Acceleration required a force. [All this is the modern formulation of Newton's laws. Newton himself based his laws on the concept of momentum p = mv , which requires the use of calculus: F = dp/dt. However, here we try to avoid calculus.]
-- What is the connection between a force and the acceleration it produced?
(2) Proportional to the force (3) Inversely proportional to the mass being accelerated.
--What is the above statement called?
--Can you state it in a formula?
We can choose k=1 and that way define the units of F: the law then becomes a=F/m or F = ma. [The teacher might also raise the question "how can you divide a vector by m"? Answer: you are not dividing by m but multiplying by 1/m. What it all amounts to is, dividing the magnitude by m.]
--What is Newton's first law?
--The fact that the Earth has moved in its orbit for many years without any change, and keeps doing so indefinitely--is that an illustration of Newton's first law?
--What is Newton's third law? Forces are always produced in pairs, with opposite directions and equal magnitudes. If body #1 acts with a force F on body #2, then body #2 acts on body #1 with a force of equal strength and opposite direction. --The fact that a cannon recoils when fired--is that a consequence of the third law?
--Around 1920, when Dr. Robert Goddard proposed that it would be possible to fly to space using rockets, some newspapers wrote that was impossible, because in space a rocket needed air to push against, otherwise it could not advance itself. What was wrong with their argument?
--When you ride a bicycle and it leans to one side, do you balance it by shifting your weight to the other side?
--What turns rotating garden sprinklers?
(17) Mass(17a) Mass Measurements aboard Space Station Skylab(17b) Comparing Masses Without the Use of Gravity |
Part of a high school course on astronomy, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight
by David P. Stern, Code 695, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
u5dps@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov or audavstern@erols.com
This lesson plan supplements: "Mass," section #17 http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Smass.htm
"Mass Aboard Skylab" section #17a
"Comparing Mass Without Gravity" section #17b
"From Stargazers to Starships" home page: ....stargaze/Sintro.htm |
Goals: The student will
Terms: mass, weight, inertia, zero-g Stories and extras: The story of Skylab and studies of weight-loss by its crew members. Hands-on activities: A simple experiment with a clamped hacksaw blade, containing some elements of the Skylab measurements.
Notes to the teacher:
(18) Newton's Second LawWe start by formulating Newton's laws in a way avoiding the use of either F or m. The kilogram and the newton, units of mass and force, can then be defined. The section ends by discussing the distinction between gravitational mass and inertial mass, and the concept of force equilibrium |
Part of a high school course on astronomy, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight
by David P. Stern, Code 695, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
u5dps@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov or audavstern@erols.com
This lesson plan supplements: "Newon's Second Law," section #18 http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Snewt2nd.htm
"From Stargazers to Starships" home page: ....stargaze/Sintro.htm |
Goals: The student will learn
Starting out: (underlined statements below may be put on the blackboard, to be copied by students.) We have so far discussed Newton's laws in a general, intuitive way. We have given: --Their formal wording--3 laws
--The meaning of the 1st law
--The meaning of the 3rd law
--The meaning of mass
We could of course define force by weight, using gravity. But if we do, all our calculations will depend somehow on the constant of gravity, on g--it could be done, but we are looking for a cleaner way. We have also discussed the idea of mass, but we still need a good way of measuring it. One could use the hacksaw-blade formula--but we have not yet reached the point where that formula can be derived! (on the board) How do we measure mass? We will address these problems in the way of Ernst Mach, who lived two centuries after Newton. Here is what we will do:
(on the board) Continue with the "Stargazers" material.
Guiding questions and additional tidbits: with suggested answers.
-- How can Newton's law be formulated without bringing in either mass or force?
--What is the unit of force, and how is it defined?
--In all calculations of this lesson, we assume g = 10 meter/sec2. If your body weighs 70 kilograms--and presumably, also has 70 kilogram of mass--what is your weight in newtons?
-- The V2 rocket in World War II had a thrust of about 240,000 newtons and a mass of 12 tons or 12,000 kilograms. What was its upward acceleration at launch? (Solve on the board, though a student may do the writing and participate in the solution.)
but is wrong. Before launch, the rocket's weight is supported by the launching pad. Its weight is 12,000 g = 120,000 newton and since it does not move, an equal and opposite upward force of 120,000 newtons is exerted on it by the pad from below. At the lift-off moment, that force ceases to act on the rocket: instead, the thrust of the engine now supports the rocket's weight (and if the engine generates a thrust smaller than the weight--less than 120,000 newton--the rocket will not lift off). So that force must be subtracted from what is available to accelerate the rocket. The result is a = F/m = (240,000 - 120,000)/12000 = 10 m/s2 = 1 g
--At burn-out, the V2 has consumed 9 tons of fuel. What is its final acceleration just before that moment?
--In some weird alternate universe, weight and mass are not proportional. Two materials, astrite and barite, have the same weight per unit volume, but a volume of astrite has twice the mass of a similar volume of barite. Assuming the inhabitants play a game similar to bowling--which of the two would be a better material for bowling balls? (have a discussion).
(18) Momentum |
Part of a high school course on astronomy, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight
by David P. Stern, Code 695, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
u5dps@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov or audavstern@erols.com
This lesson plan supplements: "Momentum," section #18a http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Smoment.htm
"From Stargazers to Starships" home page: ....stargaze/Sintro.htm |
Note to the teacher Momentum is a fundamental concept in Newtonian mechanics, but in the original version of "Stargazers" it was left out, in the interest of brevity. The concepts of rocket motion (#25) and of planetary gravity-assist maneuvers (#34), which are usually presented as applications of the conservation of momentum, were covered there in different ways, using the concepts of centers of gravity and of frames of reference. Teachers who choose to include this lesson may also relate those sections to the conservation of momentum. Goals: The student will learn
Terms: momentum, conservation of momentum, recoil.
Starting the lesson:
We have discussed so far mass, velocity, acceleration, force and energy, and the way Newton's laws tie them together.
Now you already know that energy is conserved, but there exists a big difference: energy can change into other forms, say turn into heat. Therefore mechanical energy, (potential + kinetic), is not always conserved--some of it may change into other forms. For instance, when a bullet hits a wall, where does its kinetic energy go? It turns into heat.
The total momentum going (say) into a collision always equals the total momentum coming out of it--there is nothing else momentum can convert to. It is therefore something we can always rely on in a calculation. The momentum given by a rocket to its gas jet is always equal to the momentum which it itself receives, regardless of the details of the process. The way momentum will be introduced here is through an actual example. Here go into the lesson, the calculation of the recoil of a cannon.
Guiding questions and additional tidbits:
-- What is the momentum P of a mass m moving with velocity v?
--Does this depend on the direction of v?
--State the important property of momentum.
-- What is "an isolated system"?
--When you jump across a ditch, your body clearly has a momentum P = mv during the jump. It did not have that momentum earlier and does not have it afterwards. How can you then say that P is conserved?
--A 1500 kg car going at 40 km/hr smashes head-on into a 4500 kg truck going in the opposite direction at 20 km/hr. The cars end up locked together. In what direction does the wreckage move (initially), and how fast?
Let 2 denote the truck, moving in the - direction. For the equations of the conservation of momentum, the units are not important, as long as the same ones are used before and after the collision (i.e. as long as we compare quantities measured in the same units). So:
m2 = 4500 kg v2 = -20 km/s
v = - 5 km/s
--Is kinetic energy conserved?
--How much kinetic energy was lost?
1 km/hr = (1000 meter/3600 sec) = 0.27777 m/s
Final velocity v3 = 1.3889 m/s Kinetic energy =1/2 m v2
KE of the truck (1/2) 4500 (5.5555)2 = 69,444 joule
Total kinetic energy entering the collision 162,037 joule
--Where did the lost energy go?
--(Optional) Humongous airlines publicized the smooth ride of its new "steadijet" airliner by installing a billiards table in its first class cabin. While the plane is flying at a steady velocity v0, do collisions of two billiard balls in it conserve momentum?
--Which velocities do we have to use in such a calculation--velocities relative to the airplane or to the ground? (For simplicity, assume the balls collide head-on and move along the direction in which the airplane flies, so that all motions are along the same line.) '
(19) Motion in a Circle |
Part of a high school course on astronomy, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight
by David P. Stern, Code 695, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
u5dps@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov or audavstern@erols.com
This lesson plan supplements: "Motion in a Circle," section #19 http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Scircul.htm
"From Stargazers to Starships" home page: ....stargaze/Sintro.htm |
Goals: The student will learn
Terms: uniform circular motion, frequency, peripheral velocity, centripetal acceleration and force.
" Starting out: Today we will learn about the simplest case of motion not in a straight line, uniform motion around a circle. Of course, that is an accelerated motion, because by Newton's first law (or at least, by what that law implies), any motion not in a straight line is accelerated, and requires a force for maintaining it.
The string does not allow it to do so, but pulls it back towards your hand, to keep it in its circle. We will show today that motion in a circle can be viewed as the combination of two motions taking place at the same time--like the motion of the airplane, flying in a cross-wind (Section #14).
The other is a motion towards the center of the circle (draw it, too), returning the weight to its circular path. (Figuratively returning it; in actuality, both motions are simultaneous and the weight never leaves the circle.) That second motion, it will be shown, is an accelerated one... Now for the details..... (Continue on the board with the derivations, while the students copy into their notebooks.)
Guiding questions and additional tidbits (Suggested answers, brackets for comments by the teacher or "optional")
--Why is motion at a constant speed around a circle an accelerated motion?
--When you whirl a stone at the end of a string and let go, how does the stone move?
-- Why doesn't the released stone move outwards, in the direction in which it pulled?
--Riding over a dirty road, the wheels of your car acquire a coating of mud, which soon flies off again. How does it fly off?
[Draw schematic on the blackboard].
--What is the acceleration of a stone rotating with speed v around a circle of radius r?
--In the derivation of the formula a = v2/r we neglected a small quantity x. Does that mean that the formula is only approximate, not exact?
--If a stone makes N circuits per second around the center, what is its rotation period, T?
--If a stone makes N circuits per second around a circle of radius R, what is its centripetal acceleration?
Astronauts are subjected to large accelerations during launch and re-entry. The forces associated with such accelerations are often called "g forces" because they are measured in gravities, i.e. the acceleration is measured in units of g, the acceleration due to gravity for which we will use the approximate value 10 m/sec2. In another lesson in "'Stargazers" it was noted that the V2 rocket of World War II started with an acceleration of 1 g and ended at "burn-out", with its mass (mostly fuel) greatly reduced, at about 7 g. The space shuttle (I believe) pulls 3g before burnout, which is quite uncomfortable, even for someone lying flat on the back on a contoured surface. Re-entry has comparable (negative) accelerations. To get astronaut used to taking such forces, they are whirled around during their ground training in a centrifuge, inside a small cabin mounted at the end of a horizontally rotating arm. (Anyone seen such centrifuges on TV?) They are a bit like some amusement park rides, but can create greater stresses, and have TV cameras that monitor the rider.
-- A "human-rated centrifuge" has a radius of 6 meters and creates a 1-g acceleration. How many revolutions per second must it make, and what is its rotation period? Taking g = 10 m/s2,
N2 = 0.04226 N = 0.206 rev/sec (larger than N2, of course, since N<1 !) T = 1/N ~ 5 seconds
--If you double the rotation speed, so that each revolution only takes 2.5 seconds, what will the g-force due to the rotation be?
How is the centripetal force transmitted to the astronaut?