KB-1 Title page: Vally Grabscheid in JPG
KB-1 (same in GIF).
KB-2 Torte (Sehr Gut)
KB-3 Gesundheitstorte Pächter
KB-4 Spargel Salat/Majonnaise
KB-5 Eiswürfel (Fr. Krejsky) I (probably name of author, Frau Krejsky)
Milchrahm Strudel (?) Patzal Kugelhupf (?)
KB-6 Omlette mit Äpfeln; Kartoff(el; Chiffon (???)
KB-7 Apfelguss (Fr. Marie ?) Haferflocken Torte
KB-8 Falshe Tobosch-Schnitten ; Pächter Torte
KB-9 Kriegs Mehlspeise (??); Gefülte Eier (warm); noted: Pächters
KB-10 Gefülte Eier (kalt) (Note: Pächter)
KB-11 Passierte Eier (?) (Pächter) (bottom of page seems empty)
KB-12 Billiger Kaffee Crém ; Gulasch mit Nudeln!
KB-13 Hühner Galantiene
KB-14 (continued)
KB 15 Pächters Pijrogen
KB-16 (continued; contrast enhanced to overcome ink bleed-through)
KB-17 Früchte Reso (2nd word unclear; some sort of dessert)
KB-18 Erdäpfel-Dalken (?); Topfen-Mehlspeise (unreadable word in
parentheses) Vanille Torte (ink bleed-through)
KB-19 Prinzess Schnitten (?) ; Gerstemehl Torte
KB-20 (continued); Fleischroulade
KB-21 Nusstangel (?); Wiener Knödel
KB-22 Griessauflauf (Fr. Weil) Kaffe Crém (Fr. Weil)
KB-23 Mazeloksch (Passover Matzah, Loksch in US known as kugel)
KB-24 Wasserbrot Teig ; Kapuzino Nachal (?) (author Giorgo?) Page unclear.
KB-25 (end of preceding) Heu und Stroh
KB-26 Zwetschken (plums) Strudel.
(Note stitches forming the book!)
KB-27 End of preceding; Pouvernoche Gansbrust (U with line above; name?).
A preserved goose dish which may take a month to prepare).
KB-28 (end of preceding recipe)
KB-29 Baierisch Brod (Brot?) (ink bleed-through from other side)
KB-30-1 Kletzenbrot (this recipe continues to most of page 33)
KB-32-3 Kartoffel-Heringspeise
KB-33 (bottom part) Hagebutten Mehlspeise
KB-34-6 Billige Hagebuttenpusserln; Schüssel Pastete
KB-36 End of preceding. Billige Jüdische Bobe
KB-37 (End of preceding)
KB-38 Zwiebel Knödel
KB-39 Winter-Salat (?)
KB-40 Kartoffel Salat; Hasen Knödel (Uncertain)); Feine Palfy Knödel
KB-41 Ganshals mit Spies (?) gefüllt (text unclear) Kartoffel Schmain (??)
(entire page unclear) (signed Hoffman?)
KB -42 Kirsch-Zwetchken Knödel Ausgebige Schokolade-Torte
KB-43 Leberknödel; Apfel Knödel
KB-44 Gries Knödel
Page KB-43 is signed with flourish "M. Pächter" as signifying the end of the recipe list. Her handwriting is that of the last 2 recipes, and therefore probably also of the ones written in thick pen with clear letters, and therefore, by far more legible, e.g. p. 25-38.